tolong bantu ya kak makasih soal ada di lampiranツ​

tolong bantu ya kak makasih
soal ada di lampiranツ​


1a. Health: the state of being free from illness or injury.

1b. Hospital: an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people.

1c. Medicine: the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease (in humans and animals).

1d. Microscope: an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, typically magnified several hundred times.

1e. Stretcher: a frame or trolley with wheels, handles, and a supporting surface for carrying a sick, injured, or dead person or animal.

1f. Patient: a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.

1g. Ambulance: a vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from hospitals.

1h. Wheelchair: a chair mounted on wheels for use by persons who cannot walk.

1i. Drugstore: a store where medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold.

1j. Syringe: a medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids.

k. Thermometer: An instrument used for measuring temperature, typically consisting of a narrow, sealed glass tube containing a column of mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts with changes in temperature.

1. Doctor: A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses, diseases, and injuries.

m. Stethoscope: A medical instrument used by doctors to listen to sounds produced within the body, such as the heartbeat and lung sounds.

n. Nurse: A healthcare professional who provides care and assists doctors in treating patients.

o. Inject: To administer a substance, usually through a syringe, into the body, typically for medical purposes.

p. Surgeon: A doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures.

q. Ophthalmologist: A medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and disorders.

г. Heartbeat: The pulsation of the heart, which can be felt or heard, indicating the contractions and relaxations that pump blood through the body.

s. Bandage: A strip of cloth or other material used to cover and protect a wound or injury.

t. Dentist: A medical professional who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and conditions that affect the teeth and mouth.

2. Match the words to the meaning:

1) Fever = d. Demam

2) Eyesore = c. Cacar

3) Cough = h. Batuk

4) Headache = g. Sakit kepala

5) Earache = j. Sakit telinga

6) Toothache = f. Sakit gigi

7) Measles = c. Cacar

8) Backache = c. Sakit pinggang

9) Stomachache = b. Sakit perut

10) Catch a cold = a. Sakit flu

3. Answer these questions correctly!

a. The patient is sitting on the stretcher.

b. The doctor injects the patient with a syringe.

c. The thermometer is used to measure the patient's body temperature.

d. Sinta buys medicine in the drugstore.

e. The nurse helps the doctor to cure the patient in the hospital.

4. Complete the dialogue below!

a. A: What happened to you?

B: I feel pain in my teeth. I have a toothache.

b. Sinta: What's wrong with Ria?

Dita: She feels very cold. She catches a fever.

c. C: What is a stethoscope for?

D: It is for checking the heartbeat.

5. Arrange the words into a good sentence!

a. She has a cough.

b. My mother is a nurse.

c. I buy medicine in the drugstore.

d. Doctors work in the hospital.

e. An ambulance takes a patient to the hospital.


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