fill in the blanks with correct answer in the brackets, and then translate the sentence into Indonesian!!1. elephant is the ___ animal in this zoo2. bull shark is the ___ predator in the ocean3. she speaks English ___ than she speaks Indonesian4. his mother is ___ to deal with his stubbornness than his sister5. mark is much ___ than those little kids there6. he is almost as ___ as the winner of the chemistry Professor7. I care ___ about my grade than about my games8. Dian's hair condition is ___ than before she uses this shampoo9. this is the ___ I have ever seen10. Java is the ___ island in Indonesiana. smartb. worsec. betterd. most populatede. biggestf. moreg. worsth. olderi. most dangerousj. most patienttolong besok kumpulan saja jawab plzz​

fill in the blanks with correct answer in the brackets, and then translate the sentence into Indonesian!!
1. elephant is the ___ animal in this zoo
2. bull shark is the ___ predator in the ocean
3. she speaks English ___ than she speaks Indonesian
4. his mother is ___ to deal with his stubbornness than his sister
5. mark is much ___ than those little kids there
6. he is almost as ___ as the winner of the chemistry Professor
7. I care ___ about my grade than about my games
8. Dian's hair condition is ___ than before she uses this shampoo
9. this is the ___ I have ever seen
10. Java is the ___ island in Indonesian

a. smart
b. worse
c. better
d. most populated
e. biggest
f. more
g. worst
h. older
i. most dangerous
j. most patient

tolong besok kumpulan saja jawab plzz​


Berikut adalah pengisian kata yang benar dan terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia:

1. Elephant is the biggest (e) animal in this zoo.

Gajah adalah hewan terbesar di kebun binatang ini.

2. Bull shark is the most dangerous (i) predator in the ocean.

Hiu banteng adalah predator terbahaya di lautan.

3. She speaks English better (c) than she speaks Indonesian.

Dia berbicara bahasa Inggris lebih baik daripada bahasa Indonesia.

4. His mother is more patient (j) to deal with his stubbornness than his sister.

Ibunya lebih sabar dalam menangani kepala batunya daripada saudara perempuannya.

5. Mark is much older (h) than those little kids there.

Mark jauh lebih tua daripada anak-anak kecil di sana.

6. He is almost as smart (a) as the winner of the chemistry Professor.

Dia hampir sepintar pemenang Professor Kimia.

7. I care more (f) about my grade than about my games.

Saya lebih peduli tentang nilai saya daripada permainan saya.

8. Dian's hair condition is worse (b) than before she uses this shampoo.

Kondisi rambut Dian lebih buruk daripada sebelum dia menggunakan sampo ini.

9. This is the worst (g) I have ever seen.

Ini adalah yang terburuk yang pernah saya lihat.

10. Java is the most populated (d) island in Indonesian.

Jawa adalah pulau terpadat di Indonesia.


1. elephant is the biggest animal in this zoo

 gajah adalah hewan terbesar di kebun binatang ini

2. bull shark is the most dangerous predator in the ocean

   hiu banteng adalah predator paling berbahaya di lautan

3. I care abaout my grade than about my games

   Saya lebih mementingkan nilai saya dibandingkan permainan saya

4. Java is the most populated island in Indonesian

   Jawa adalah pulau dengan penduduk terbanyak di Indonesia


Cuma tau itu, maaf kalo salah, terimakasih


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