This Is Our Lovely School


Selamat datang di sekolah kami yang penuh kasih sayang!

Tentang Sekolah Kami

Kami memiliki lingkungan belajar yang kondusif dan memfasilitasi tiap siswa untuk berkembang secara akademis dan sosial. Selain itu, kami juga memiliki staf pengajar yang berpengalaman dan berkompeten dalam memberikan pendidikan terbaik untuk siswa-siswa kami.

Fasilitas Kami

Kami memiliki gedung sekolah yang luas dan modern dengan fasilitas lengkap seperti perpustakaan, laboratorium sains, ruang musik, dan lapangan olahraga yang memadai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan belajar siswa-siswa kami.

Kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler

Selain kegiatan belajar dalam kelas, kami juga memiliki beragam kegiatan ekstra kurikuler seperti basket, voli, seni tari, paduan suara, dan lain sebagainya. Kami yakin kegiatan ekstra kurikuler ini dapat membantu siswa kami mengembangkan keterampilan sosial dan bakat mereka.

Daftar Siswa Segera Dibuka

Terimakasih telah mengunjungi website sekolah kami. Daftar siswa baru akan segera dibuka, jadi jangan ragu untuk segera bergabung dengan kami dan rasakan pengalaman belajar yang tak terlupakan!

Kumpulan Pertanyaan dan Jawaban yang Berkaitan dengan "This Is Our Lovely School":

This Is Our Lovely School

1. This is our lovely school

then whats the questions

2. Apa arty dari this is our lovely school

Jawaban:Ini sekolah tercinta kami


3. Membuat karangan tentang this is our lovely school

My School

My school is a green and beautiful school. There are so many large trees which make the air around my school become very fresh and clean. It is very large with an area around 600 m2 and surrounded by high fences. Overall, it has 30 buildings consisting of 21 classrooms, 2 teacher room, a language laboratory, a Science Laboratory, 2 toilets, a Multimedia room and a Hall. Those buildings are arranged to form a rectangle and surrounded field in the middle commonly used as sports place and ceremony.

When enter my school, we are greeted by billboards that written “Let’s go forward with us” in front of the gate. Beside the gates, there is a black security post. The security post is guarded by two securities. They are in charge of maintaining security in my school. Beside the security post there is a large fish pond which beautifies my school.

After passing through the security post, we will pass a parking area with its size approximately 12 m2. The parking area can accommodate all vehicles belonging to teachers and students. Every morning the entire vehicles are parked well there. After passing through the parking area, we’ll see the main building of my school. The building is quite large. It serves as teacher and employees’ room in my school. Every morning the teachers always lined up in front of this building to welcome their students. We always greet them before entering into complex of classroom. It has become a tradition in my school to honor our teachers. We consider our teacher as our parents in school who keep and educate us.

After passing the main building, we will go into a building complex of classrooms. On the right side is complex of classes for 1st and 2nd grade, while on the left side is a complex of classes for 3rd grade and Another buildings such as language laboratories, Science laboratories, an art building, a multimedia room, a library, toilets and a Hall. In front of every classroom there are small flower gardens which add the beauty of my school. The gardens are regularly used by students as a place to play and learn.



Sekolahku adalah sekolah yang sangat hijau dan indah. Di sana banyak terdapat pohon-pohon yang cukup besar sehingga membuat udara di sekitar sekolahku sangat sejuk dan bersih. Sekolahku sangat besar dengan luas kira-kira sekitar 600 m2 dan dikelilingi oleh pagar yang sangat tinggi. Secara keseluruhan sekolahku memiliki 30 bangunan yang terdiri dari 21 ruang kelas, 2 ruang guru, Laboratorium bahasa, ipa, 2 toilet, ruang multimedia dan aula. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut tersusun membentuk persegi panjang dan mengelilingi lapangan yang biasa dipakai sebagai lapangan olahraga dan lapangan upacara.

Saat masuk ke dalam sekolahku, kita akan disambut oleh sebuah baliho yang bertuliskan “mari melangkah maju bersama kita” di depan gerbang sekolahku. Di samping pintu gerbang sekolahku terdapat sebuah post keamanan yang berwarna hitam. Post keamanan tersebut di tempati oleh 2 orang satpam yang bertugas menjaga keamanan. Di samping post keamanan terdapat sebuah kolam ikan yang cukup besar yang menambah keindahan sekolahku.

Setelah melewati post keamanan, kita akan melewati sebuah halaman parkir yang luasnya kira-kira 12 m2. Tempat parkir ini bisa menampung seluruh kendaraan milik guru dan siswa. Setiap pagi seluruh kendaraan milik guru dan siswa tertata dengan rapih. Setelah melewati tempat parkir, kita akan melihat bangunan utama sekolahku. Bangunan ini cukup besar dan berfungsi sebagai ruang guru dan karyawan sekolahku. Biasanya setiap pagi guru-guru selalu berbaris di depan gedung ini untuk menyambut siswanya. Kamipun selalu menyalami mereka sebelum masuk kedalam kompleks ruang kelas. Hal ini telah menjadi tradisi di sekolahku untuk menghormati guru kami. Kami menganggap guru adalah orang tua kami di sekolah yang menjaga dan mendidik kami.

Setelah melewati bangunan utama, kita akan masuk ke komplek ruang kelas para siswa. Pada bagian sebelah kanan merupakan kompleks kelas untuk siswa kelas 1 dan kelas 2, sedangkan pada bagian kiri merupakan komplek kelas 3 dan, bangunan-bangunan ruang lainnya seperti laboratorium bahasa, laboratorium IPA, gedung kesenian, ruang multimedia, perpustakaan, dan aula. Di depan setiap kelas terdapat taman-taman bunga kecil yang menambah keindahan sekolahku. Taman-taman ini biasa digunakan oleh para siswa sebagai tempat bermain dan belajar.

Sekolahku juga memiliki sebuah canteen yang besar. Canteen sekolahku terletak di bagian belakang komplek kelas tepatnya di belakang gedung aula. Di sana banyak menjual makanan-makanan seperti makanan ringan, kue, bakso, mie ayam dan nasi goreng. Meskipun canteen sekolahku menujal berbagai macam makanan, tapi kebersihan selalu terjaga di sekolah kami.

4. Membuat karangn dengan judul "this is our lovely school"

My School

My school is a green and beautiful school. There are so many large trees which make the air around my school become very fresh and clean. It is very large with an area around 600 m2 and surrounded by high fences. Overall, it has 30 buildings consisting of 21 classrooms, 2 teacher room, a language laboratory, a Science Laboratory, 2 toilets, a Multimedia room and a Hall. Those buildings are arranged to form a rectangle and surrounded field in the middle commonly used as sports place and ceremony.

When enter my school, we are greeted by billboards that written “Let’s go forward with us” in front of the gate. Beside the gates, there is a black security post. The security post is guarded by two securities. They are in charge of maintaining security in my school. Beside the security post there is a large fish pond which beautifies my school.

After passing through the security post, we will pass a parking area with its size approximately 12 m2. The parking area can accommodate all vehicles belonging to teachers and students. Every morning the entire vehicles are parked well there. After passing through the parking area, we’ll see the main building of my school. The building is quite large. It serves as teacher and employees’ room in my school. Every morning the teachers always lined up in front of this building to welcome their students. We always greet them before entering into complex of classroom. It has become a tradition in my school to honor our teachers. We consider our teacher as our parents in school who keep and educate us.

After passing the main building, we will go into a building complex of classrooms. On the right side is complex of classes for 1st and 2nd grade, while on the left side is a complex of classes for 3rd grade and Another buildings such as language laboratories, Science laboratories, an art building, a multimedia room, a library, toilets and a Hall. In front of every classroom there are small flower gardens which add the beauty of my school. The gardens are regularly used by students as a place to play and learn.



Sekolahku adalah sekolah yang sangat hijau dan indah. Di sana banyak terdapat pohon-pohon yang cukup besar sehingga membuat udara di sekitar sekolahku sangat sejuk dan bersih. Sekolahku sangat besar dengan luas kira-kira sekitar 600 m2 dan dikelilingi oleh pagar yang sangat tinggi. Secara keseluruhan sekolahku memiliki 30 bangunan yang terdiri dari 21 ruang kelas, 2 ruang guru, Laboratorium bahasa, ipa, 2 toilet, ruang multimedia dan aula. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut tersusun membentuk persegi panjang dan mengelilingi lapangan yang biasa dipakai sebagai lapangan olahraga dan lapangan upacara.

Saat masuk ke dalam sekolahku, kita akan disambut oleh sebuah baliho yang bertuliskan “mari melangkah maju bersama kita” di depan gerbang sekolahku. Di samping pintu gerbang sekolahku terdapat sebuah post keamanan yang berwarna hitam. Post keamanan tersebut di tempati oleh 2 orang satpam yang bertugas menjaga keamanan. Di samping post keamanan terdapat sebuah kolam ikan yang cukup besar yang menambah keindahan sekolahku.

Setelah melewati post keamanan, kita akan melewati sebuah halaman parkir yang luasnya kira-kira 12 m2. Tempat parkir ini bisa menampung seluruh kendaraan milik guru dan siswa. Setiap pagi seluruh kendaraan milik guru dan siswa tertata dengan rapih. Setelah melewati tempat parkir, kita akan melihat bangunan utama sekolahku. Bangunan ini cukup besar dan berfungsi sebagai ruang guru dan karyawan sekolahku. Biasanya setiap pagi guru-guru selalu berbaris di depan gedung ini untuk menyambut siswanya. Kamipun selalu menyalami mereka sebelum masuk kedalam kompleks ruang kelas. Hal ini telah menjadi tradisi di sekolahku untuk menghormati guru kami. Kami menganggap guru adalah orang tua kami di sekolah yang menjaga dan mendidik kami.

Setelah melewati bangunan utama, kita akan masuk ke komplek ruang kelas para siswa. Pada bagian sebelah kanan merupakan kompleks kelas untuk siswa kelas 1 dan kelas 2, sedangkan pada bagian kiri merupakan komplek kelas 3 dan, bangunan-bangunan ruang lainnya seperti laboratorium bahasa, laboratorium IPA, gedung kesenian, ruang multimedia, perpustakaan, dan aula. Di depan setiap kelas terdapat taman-taman bunga kecil yang menambah keindahan sekolahku. Taman-taman ini biasa digunakan oleh para siswa sebagai tempat bermain dan belajar.

Sekolahku juga memiliki sebuah canteen yang besar. Canteen sekolahku terletak di bagian belakang komplek kelas tepatnya di belakang gedung aula. Di sana banyak menjual makanan-makanan seperti makanan ringan, kue, bakso, mie ayam dan nasi goreng. Meskipun canteen sekolahku menujal berbagai macam makanan, tapi kebersihan selalu terjaga di sekolah kami.

5. Buat 10 kalimat this is our lovely shcool dan artinya

My school is one of the best schools in West Lampung. No matter what, my school is always attracted the new students every years.

That is quite natural because my school always gets the first rank in every competition followed both in the provincial or national levels.

My school is a green and beautiful. There are so many huge trees that make the air become so fresh. It is very large with an area around one hectare, bounded by high fences.

My school also has more than 57 buildings consisting of 39 classrooms, a teacher room, a science lab, a language lab, a library, 10 toilets, a multimedia room, a mosque, and a big corridor.

Although it has so many buildings, there are many plants with shady trees that lined in all corner. Even in front of each classroom, there is a quite large flower garden.

My school also has a large canteen. The canteen is located at the rear of tenth class exactly behind the language laboratory. My School’s canteen sells a lot of foods, such as; snacks, meatballs, fried rice, noodles, and many more.

Though they sell a variety of food, my school always maintains the cleanliness. This school, which is the foremost school in my province, always makes me proud.

Sorry if it's wrong

6. membuat karangan This is our lovely school tolong ya kak yang singkat dan jelas beserta artinya

My School
My school is a green and beautiful school. There are so many large trees which make the air around my school become very fresh and clean. It is very large with an area around 600 m2 and surrounded by high fences. Overall, it has 30 buildings consisting of 21 classrooms, 2 teacher room, a language laboratory, a Science Laboratory, 2 toilets, a Multimedia room and a Hall. Those buildings are arranged to form a rectangle and surrounded field in the middle commonly used as sports place and ceremony.

When enter my school, we are greeted by billboards that written “Let’s go forward with us” in front of the gate. Beside the gates, there is a black security post. The security post is guarded by two securities. They are in charge of maintaining security in my school. Beside the security post there is a large fish pond which beautifies my school.

After passing through the security post, we will pass a parking area with its size approximately 12 m2. The parking area can accommodate all vehicles belonging to teachers and students. Every morning the entire vehicles are parked well there. After passing through the parking area, we’ll see the main building of my school. The building is quite large. It serves as teacher and employees’ room in my school. Every morning the teachers always lined up in front of this building to welcome their students. We always greet them before entering into complex of classroom. It has become a tradition in my school to honor our teachers. We consider our teacher as our parents in school who keep and educate us.

After passing the main building, we will go into a building complex of classrooms. On the right side is complex of classes for 1st and 2nd grade, while on the left side is a complex of classes for 3rd grade and Another buildings such as language laboratories, Science laboratories, an art building, a multimedia room, a library, toilets and a Hall. In front of every classroom there are small flower gardens which add the beauty of my school. The gardens are regularly used by students as a place to play and learn.


Sekolahku adalah sekolah yang sangat hijau dan indah. Di sana banyak terdapat pohon-pohon yang cukup besar sehingga membuat udara di sekitar sekolahku sangat sejuk dan bersih. Sekolahku sangat besar dengan luas kira-kira sekitar 600 m2 dan dikelilingi oleh pagar yang sangat tinggi. Secara keseluruhan sekolahku memiliki 30 bangunan yang terdiri dari 21 ruang kelas, 2 ruang guru, Laboratorium bahasa, ipa, 2 toilet, ruang multimedia dan aula. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut tersusun membentuk persegi panjang dan mengelilingi lapangan yang biasa dipakai sebagai lapangan olahraga dan lapangan upacara.

Saat masuk ke dalam sekolahku, kita akan disambut oleh sebuah baliho yang bertuliskan “mari melangkah maju bersama kita” di depan gerbang sekolahku. Di samping pintu gerbang sekolahku terdapat sebuah post keamanan yang berwarna hitam. Post keamanan tersebut di tempati oleh 2 orang satpam yang bertugas menjaga keamanan. Di samping post keamanan terdapat sebuah kolam ikan yang cukup besar yang menambah keindahan sekolahku.

Setelah melewati post keamanan, kita akan melewati sebuah halaman parkir yang luasnya kira-kira 12 m2. Tempat parkir ini bisa menampung seluruh kendaraan milik guru dan siswa. Setiap pagi seluruh kendaraan milik guru dan siswa tertata dengan rapih. Setelah melewati tempat parkir, kita akan melihat bangunan utama sekolahku. Bangunan ini cukup besar dan berfungsi sebagai ruang guru dan karyawan sekolahku. Biasanya setiap pagi guru-guru selalu berbaris di depan gedung ini untuk menyambut siswanya. Kamipun selalu menyalami mereka sebelum masuk kedalam kompleks ruang kelas. Hal ini telah menjadi tradisi di sekolahku untuk menghormati guru kami. Kami menganggap guru adalah orang tua kami di sekolah yang menjaga dan mendidik kami.

Setelah melewati bangunan utama, kita akan masuk ke komplek ruang kelas para siswa. Pada bagian sebelah kanan merupakan kompleks kelas untuk siswa kelas 1 dan kelas 2, sedangkan pada bagian kiri merupakan komplek kelas 3 dan, bangunan-bangunan ruang lainnya seperti laboratorium bahasa, laboratorium IPA, gedung kesenian, ruang multimedia, perpustakaan, dan aula. Di depan setiap kelas terdapat taman-taman bunga kecil yang menambah keindahan sekolahku. Taman-taman ini biasa digunakan oleh para siswa sebagai tempat bermain dan belajar.

Sekolahku juga memiliki sebuah canteen yang besar. Canteen sekolahku terletak di bagian belakang komplek kelas tepatnya di belakang gedung aula. Di sana banyak menjual makanan-makanan seperti makanan ringan, kue, bakso, mie ayam dan nasi goreng. Meskipun canteen sekolahku menujal berbagai macam makanan, tapi kebersihan selalu terjaga di sekolah kami.

7. this si our lovely class


maaf nya kalo salahCute class and clean class

8. Membuat karangan tentang this is our lovely school(minimal 1 halaman)

This morning, I will go to the flower garden near the school with friends. Since 5:00 a.m., I am getting ready. Actually, since yesterday I have prepared all my things. But today I have to examine whether the item I brought is complete. Once ready, I approached my friend's house. Apparently there were five friends who had arrived. after all was ready, me and my friends left on foot. when we arrived at the flower garden, we held a carpet in the middle of fresh green grass. colorful flowers surround us. the butterfly perched is very funny. today is a day that I will never forget. I hope I always have happy moments like this.

Maaf kalau kurang panjang dan maaf kalau huruf kapitalnya kurang tepat.

9. Make a short composition about - This is our lovely school


Make a short composition about

- This is our lovely school

→ My school is very beautiful, neat, clean and very comfortable. I really like my school. The teachers here are very nice and friendly.


Buatlah komposisi singkat tentang

- Ini adalah sekolah kami yang indah

→ Sekolah ku sangat lah indah, rapi, bersih dan sangat nyaman. Aku sangat suka dengan sekolah ku ini. Guru-guru disini sangatlah baik dan ramah.


semoga bermanfaat:)#jadikan jawaban yang terbaik#semangat belajar dirumah#belajar bersama brainlylike dan follow saya ya:)


My School

My school is a green and beautiful school. There are so many large trees which make the air around my school become very fresh and clean. It is very large with an area around 600 m2 and surrounded by high fences. Overall, it  has 30 buildings consisting of 21 classrooms, 2 teacher room, a language laboratory, a Science Laboratory, 2 toilets, a Multimedia room and a Hall. Those buildings are arranged to form a rectangle and surrounded field in the middle commonly used as sports place and ceremony.

When enter my school, we are greeted by billboards that written “Let’s go forward with us” in front of the gate. Beside the gates, there is a black security post. The security post is guarded by two securities. They are in charge of maintaining security in my school. Beside the security post there is a large fish pond which beautifies my school.

After passing through the security post, we will pass a parking area with its size approximately 12 m2. The parking area can accommodate all vehicles belonging to teachers and students. Every morning the entire vehicles are parked well there. After passing through the parking area, we’ll see the main building of my school. The building is quite large. It serves as teacher and employees’ room in my school. Every morning the teachers always lined up in front of this building to welcome their students. We always greet them before entering into complex of classroom. It has become a tradition in my school to honor our teachers. We consider our teacher as our parents in school who keep and educate us.

After passing the main building, we will go into a building complex of classrooms. On the right side is complex of classes for 1st and 2nd  grade, while on the left side is a complex of classes for 3rd grade and Another buildings such as language laboratories, Science laboratories, an art building, a multimedia room, a library, toilets and a Hall. In front of every classroom there are small flower gardens which add the beauty of my school. The gardens are regularly used by students as a place to play and learn.

My school also has a large canteen. The canteen is located behind the complex class exactly behind the Hall. My School’s canteen sells a lot of foods like snacks, cakes, meatballs, fried chicken, rice and noodles. Though they sell a variety of food, my school always maintains the cleanliness.

semoga membantu

11. tolong buat cerita judulnya this is our lovely school dan singkat tolong ya...

This is our lovely school

My name is Maria. I have many pals. They are Anam, Seno, and Bima. We are students of Batavia Junior High School, grade VII for exact.

Our school is in South Jakarta. It is nearby public places,  especially highway. It make our school can be reached easily. We usually go to school by bus together. There is a bus stop in front of school gate.

At first break we usually go to library. There is a large library here. The library have hundreds books, included fiction and non-fiction books. We can only read the books in library or borrow them for at least, two week. The librarians are so sociable. They will serve us if we ask something to do with the book. 

After go to library, we go to canteen. Many kinds of snack are sold. We can buy snacks and eat here or else. We usually want to eat here, but sometime we eat them on our class.

Our class is clean and comfortable. The are enough of light and air. It is also for another room like sickbay and laboratory. There are three laboratory in our school. They are physics laboratory, biology laboratory, and languages laboratory.

Batavia Junior High School is our lovely school after all.

12. this is our lovely school smp negri 1 sukra


This is our lovely school smp negri 1 sukra.

(Ini adalah sokolah kami yang indah,SMPN 1 Sukra.)


13. Membuat karangan dengan judul "this is our lovely school"

This is our lovely school

My name is .... I have many friends. They are ..... etc . We are students of ....

Our school is in ..... It is nearby public places,  especially highway. It make our school can be reached easily. We usually go to school by bus together. There is a bus stop in front of school gate.

At first break we usually go to library. There is a large library here. The library have hundreds books, included fiction and non-fiction books. We can only read the books in library or borrow them for at least, two week. The librarians are so sociable. They will serve us if we ask something to do with the book. 

After go to library, we go to canteen. Many kinds of snack are sold. We can buy snacks and eat here or else. We usually want to eat here, but sometime we eat them on our class.

Our class is clean,tidy and comfortable. The are enough of light and air. It is also for another room like sickbay and laboratory. There are four laboratory in our school. They are physics laboratory, biology laboratory, Chemistry laboratory and languages laboratory our lovely school

(That's all i guess,bedankt)

14. membuat karangan this is our lovely school

This is our lovely school. It's very big and aesthetic. However, it is very expensive and exclusive, and I keep losing my stuff there because it's so big. The janitors help clean the school but honestly I think that they lose my stuff more than they find it. Our school tells us to put trash in the right trash cans, but they all put it in the same plastic anyway. But, well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Our teachers are very nice and helpful. Our school is also very green. I like trees. They care about the environment a lot. There's even an environmental police! If you're an environmental police, you can get certificates by being a good environmental police! This can help you get into a good high school. 

Well, I hope you understand why our school is lovely. 

15. Membuat karangan dengan judul this is our lovely school dengan 10 kalimat dan terjemahan nya

school is our place to studying, place when we meet friends, and a very pleasant place. in our school have strict regulation, that sometimes the rule still violated. and in this school we have library which have much interesting books. and we have garden which planted various flower, which will make you comfortable to be there. we so happy can school in here.

sekolah adalah tempat kami untuk menuntut ilmu, tempat ketika kami bertemu teman - teman, dan tempat yang sangat menyenangkan. di sekolah kami mempunyai peraturan yang ketat, yang terkadang peraturan itu masih saja dilanggar. dan di sekolah ini kami mempunyai perpustakaan yang mempunyai banyak buku yang menarik. dan memiliki taman yang ditanami berbagai macam bunga, yang akan membuatmu nyaman berada disana. kami sangat senang sekolah disini.

moga membantu ya :)

16. my lovely SchoolMy school is SMP N langkahanThe palace is geureuke Blok B, lang kahanIt is lovely school with beautifulviewslam- in class vill ourfriendship. I love my school So Much.School has a beauty garden our teachers is very1.artikan kalimat berikut​

Sekolahku tercinta

Sekolah saya adalah SMP N langkahan

Tempatnya di geureuke Blok B,langkahan

Sekolah yang indah dengan pemandangan yang


-di kelas vill kami

persahabatan. Saya sangat mencintai sekolah saya.

Sekolah memiliki taman yang indah, guru kami sangat


Maaf kalau salah

17. karangan this is my lovely school 5 paragraf

sebenernya kalo ini harus tau sekolahannya dulu hehe
contoh nya aja yaa:
this is my school. this is 45 jhs. I very love my school. my school is very large and beautiful. my school have large yard. have many rooms .

maaf kalo singkat banget wkwkwk
semangat ukk nya ya^^

18. Membuat karangan dengan berjudul "this is our lovely school" (min satu halaman)


This is our lovely school

This is our lovely school, the place where we learn and study. The teacher's are very friendly and very fun to learn with and the students are very smart and kind.

When lunch, you can see students chatting,eating out of their lunch boxes, and students running around the halls.

Our lovely school is clean, if we can we will help the janitors clean the school and that makes our friendship with the staffs even more closer.

When there is a test/exam the students never cheat even if they're tempted to they know its wrong.

We love our school, as we said before, the teacher's are fun to learn with and that's why we are always interested to learn a new subject everyday.

And the students are very smart and kind, they are smart and creative, they make the teacher's job more easy. They are kind, they share, and they help each other, and the whole school is friends with eachother.

So this is our lovely school. We hope that the remaining of our time here is always like this.


Maaf ya kalau ini bukan seperti kalian mau....

19. this is our lovely school smp N 1 jogonalan​


ini adalah sekolah kamu yang indah SMP N 1 Jogonalan

20. tuliskan text deskriptif dengan tema THIS "IS OUR LOVELY SCHOOL"​

this is our lovely school
our school is one of the best schools in town. no wonder that this school is always attracted the new students every year. it is quite natural because the school always gets the first rank in every competition event followed both in the city and provincial levels.

besides the achievements in many competitions, the school facilities are also one of the factors that encourage many students want learn in this school. the school building area is around 2 hectares, divided into four local buildings. at the first entering the school, we will see the first local building, namely the teachers’ lounge, administrative offices, and student activities space. after passing the first building of the school building complex, we will find a class building complex, the classroom consist of a room on the north, two classrooms on the south, and three classrooms on the west.

in the middle of the class buildings there is a very broad field and is usually used by students to play basketball, football, and even badminton or tennis. our school facilities were arguably the most complete. there are so many facilities such as science laboratory, language laboratory, library, green house, multimedia room, hall, parking area, and a fitness room.

although it has so many buildings, there are many plants with shady trees that lined in all corner. even in front of each classroom, there is a quite large flower garden. the school, which is the best school in this town always makes us proud.

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